Driving Instructor Doncaster

About the product
Q1. How old do i need to be before i drive?
A1. To drive you must be 17 years of age, 16 years of age if you are disabled.
Q2. How old do i need to be before i apply for my provisional licence?
A2. The earliest you may apply for your provisional licence 3 months before your 17th birthday, 16th birthday if you are disabled.
Q3. How much does a provisional licence cost?
A3. A provisional licence costs £50.00
Q4. How do i apply for my provisional licence?
A4. Click on the "Thinking Of Learning To Drive" tab on my homepage
Q5. How much does a theory driving test cost?
A5. The theory driving test costs £31.00
Q6. How do i book my theory driving test?
A6. Firstly you need your provisional licence then click on my "Thinking Of Learning To Drive" tab on my homepage.
Q7. How many parts are there to the theory driving test?
A7. There are 2 parts, firstly multiple choice and secondly hazard perception.
Q8. What pass mark do i need to pass my theory driving test?
A8. 43 out of 50 in multiple choice section and 44 out of 75 in the hazard perception section.
Q9. How many driving lessons will it take for me to pass my test?
A9. 40 hours with an instructor is an average guide, although some students take more hours and others take less.
Q10. How much does a practical driving test cost?
A10. To take your test Monday-Friday the cost is £62.00, to take your test on Saturday the cost is £75.00
Q11. How do i book my practical driving test?
A11. Click on my "Thinking Of Learning To Drive" tab on my homepage.
Q12. Is it ok for my Dad to take me out in his car in between lessons for extra practise?
A12. Yes this is something i try to encourage, any extra driving will be beneficial to you providing you have adequate insurance cover on the vehicle and Learner plates on front and rear of the vehicle.
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