Money & Debt advice

About the product
Our money and debt advice services receive over 1,300 visits and calls a year.

CARA provides solutions, choices and control.

There are many different solutions available for individuals with debt problems. Your unique personal circumstances and attitudes determine which will be appropriate. Many within the debt advice industry specialise only in one or very few solutions. This might be great for that company but may not be right for you.

At CARA we offer a wide variety of solutions. Our telephone and face to face consultants will work to fully understand your financial position from your perspective and only then suggest and recommend effective solutions. We provide the advice and options, you decide how to get back in control.

“Thank you very much, well done… you have saved my family, house, sanity.”
Stated one community member recently

Business Debt
We provide expert, professional telephone advice to help businesses deal with debt problems, plus a series of fact sheets and self-help packs. The service handles over 150 visits and calls a month.

“After just talking to a member of your team, I feel I must write in praise of your total help and support.”

Mr Luiz stated
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