How Women Become Financially Independent

Business23 Nov, 2021
How Women Become Financially Independent

Why financial independence is so important

Let's start with the main thing: Everyone needs financial independence. Having your own money allows you, at the very least, to find a place to live and buy food, and to meet your own needs without regard to the desires of others. Dependence on other people's money is not always painful. Sometimes it is easy and pleasant to live at someone else's expense. But here too much depends on who owns the money.

Why it is especially important for women

Because here the issue is more acute than for men. It's simply harder for a woman to achieve financial independence, and here's why:

  • Employers are more willing to hire men. To compete in this situation, women are forced to accept lower wages. On average, they are paid less for the same jobs with the same responsibilities. For some reason everyone is sure that women do not understand issues in business, solving problems with salaries, and even getting a paystub from direct deposit;
  • Very few fathers decide to go on maternity leave, a woman more often goes on maternity leave;
  • It is traditionally believed that the husband is the breadwinner and the wife is the keeper of the home. Contrary to expectations, this does not mean that the latter sits on the neck of the former;

Again, tradition: it is considered unacceptable if a woman in a couple earns more than a man. Often it is such attitudes that significantly limit career growth.

What financial independence gives

Your own money is the straw you spread out where you can fall. Prudence and planning are always appropriate, though designed for crises. No one can guarantee you that life will turn out this way and not that way, no matter how much you'd like to believe it.

The ability to end a dangerous relationship

Take any story where a woman has been systematically abused in a domestic relationship. There is bound to be someone who will hold her responsible: "Why didn't she leave? So she liked it?" There are many reasons, and one of them is economic dependence.

It is usually impossible to figure out the abuser in advance. In a classic scenario, when it comes to beatings, the woman will be shielded from family, friends, and other people who can help. But everything - again, usually - begins with economic abuse, when the woman is deprived of her own money.

Protection in the event of her husband's death or injury

Women die 3.5 times less than men of working age. This is because the latter are less likely to see a doctor for prevention, have bad habits more often, die in traffic accidents, become victims of homicide and accidents.

Accordingly, the loss of a spouse in terms of financial dependence - is not only great grief but also a material crisis, which can have grave consequences. In this situation, it helps a lot when a woman has a steady source of income as well. Financial independence comes in handy and if the husband is injured.

By the way, stress plays no small role in the high mortality rate of men, and one of its causes is the need to provide for the whole family and be solely responsible for its material well-being. It is possible that reducing this burden will prolong his days.

How to become financially independent

1. Realize that you are responsible for your life.

Until the age of 18, your parents had to support you and they were responsible for your well-being in other ways. After adulthood, the shop closes. In a relationship, you can divide the responsibilities and the number of financial investments in different ways. But it does not make a magical fairy, and you, and you will be responsible for the consequences.

So, it is worth growing up and starting thinking at least a few steps ahead. So you can protect not only yourself but also your spouse from trouble in a crisis.

2. Create a safety cushion.

How you keep that money depends on the atmosphere in the family. If you live soul to soul, just keep it on a card. In an abusive relationship, it's better to have the right amount in cash and keep it so your spouse can't find it. That way you can evacuate quickly.

3. Look for sources of income

Even if you've consciously decided to give up a serious career, there's probably something in your life you can monetize. Start earning through hobbies, find free courses, or sign up for paid ones.

4. Learn how to invest

Anything you manage to earn in the marriage, you will legally split in half. But a useful skill will remain.

5. Don't give up your career under the pressure of stereotypes

If you love your job and feel like you can move mountains, you don't have to head for the pots and mops just because you keep hearing that this is a woman's true purpose.


So, before you make any changes, weigh things up three times and talk to your partner. Maybe your thoughts go in the same direction and you'll each do your own thing, divide up household chores and be happy, or one of you will take over household chores and you'll be happy again!