Lets go on a Kenya safari

Lets go on a Kenya safari
About the product
Day 1: Nairobi to Maasai Mara
After breakfast, we will pick you up from your hotel around 8.00am and depart Nairobi to Maasai Mara Game Reserve with a stop over at the Great Rift Valley View Point. You arrive in Maasai Mara late afternoon or early evening and then proceed for
a game drive. Dinner and overnight at camp.

Day 2: Full Day in Maasai Mara
After breakfast you will leave with a picnic lunch packed for you. You will spent a full day exploring this unique
park which really forms the northern part of the famous Serengeti National Park. The game drive will be up to the Mara river returning late evening for meals and overnight at camp.

Day 3: Maasai Mara/Lake Nakuru
You will have a pre-morning game drive and then depart after breakfast for Lake Nakuru with game drive enroute to Lake Nakuru with Picnic lunch enroute. You are going to arrive Nakuru in the early evening to check in the hotel and have dinner and overnight at the golden palace hotel.

Day 4: Lake Nakuru to Nairobi
After breakfast proceed for a game drive to Lake Nakuru which is world renowned for its masses of flamingos and is often referred to as the "Pink Lake". Beside birds, it is possible to see small game like Water Buck, impala, rhino and buffalo in the gardens surrounding. After lunch depart to Nairobi arriving around 4/5pm in the evening.
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