Kung Fu Wooden Dummy – Lychee Wood $980.00

Kung Fu Wooden Dummy – Lychee Wood $980.00
About the product

The Kung Fu Wooden Dummy is great to teach timing and how to flow smoothly from one technique

to another. This can make an enormous difference to the amount of work required to be

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a system that stresses the development of skill and co-ordination rather

then strength and brute force. The practitioner deflects and redirects the opponent’s attack,

while performing their attack simultaneously. Even though the Wing Chun dummy is static, the

practitioner develops skills that are necessary for free sparing by learning how to combine

footwork patterns and arm movements smoothly together that deflect and attack.
To be successful as a fighter in any style of martial arts there are certain attributes and

qualities that are needed to achieve success. These include the main four requisites of speed,

power, timing, and accuracy. With a wooden Wing Chun Dummy, you will never be without a

practice partner and have a valuable tool to achieve your goals.
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